YELLOW (2013)

A production for babies and kids from 0 to 4 years old, and for authistic and other kids with mental disabilities up to 10 years old
Created by Petar Todorov, Desislava Mincheva
Consultant Zdravka Yaneva MD, Child and Adolescent psychiatrist
Art design by Nikolina Kostova-Bogdanova
Choreography by Galina Borisova
Music environment by Desislava Mincheva
Musical pedagogues Petya Kuchmova, Petya Dimanova, Ivan Pichurov, Elko Deliev
Costume making ‘Gooshtera’ Atelier
Performed by Desislava Mincheva
Directed and Produced by Petar Todorov
Duration 30-35 minutes, some interaction with kids after show may prolong it up to 45 min
Opening 10.10.2013 , Smolyan (BG)
Created with the support by Ministry of Culture of Republic of Bulgaria, Smolyan Municipality, Art Office Foundation, Pro Rodopi Foundation
Main award for Desislava Mincheva and Petar Todorov at ‘Magic Curtain’ International Theatre festival, Turgovishte (Bulgaria), May 2016
So far the production has been presented with over 100 shows in Bulgaria, Israel and Turkey.
Videolink to trailer:
Link to photos:
About the show
‘Yellow’ is a production specially created to meet the needs of the very young audiences – babies and kids up to 4 years old. It is created under the professional guidence of the best Bulgarian children psychiatrist Dr. Zrdavka Yaneva. It aims to stimulate the sensitivity and emotionality of the youngest kids, and at the same time to put the basis of their aesthetic education. The senses of kids and forming of their general taste in life, as well as relationship to the arts, are very much dependent on their first meetings with the world and on socializing . The production ‘Yellow’ offers to the parents a great opportunity to secure for their small kids a meeting with the art of theatre in a very adequate and high-quality way, created specially for the smallest ages by two of the most respected and internationally recognized Bulgarian theatre artists.
Technical requests
The production ‘Yellow’ can be performed in formal and informal theatre spaces.
In formal theatres, the show and audience must be places alltogether on the stage with minimum dimensions 10/10 meters. The performing space and the audience must be on same level. Best is if kids are placed on the floor on pillows or soft matraces. One row of chairs for adults can be put at the back of the audience side. Ideal surrounding – floor, walls, back, can be black or white. In terms of target group of the show, the audience can not be too big, up to 150 people, including adults.
Normal CD player or a device with a USB stick for playing music is necessary.
The shows requires general white lights. Stage and audience should be well litted in same intensity, e.g. no difference between performing area and audience places – the idea is that small kids feel participating in the action on stage.
The show can be performed in kindergartens too, if empty space 10/10 m is available.